
status update about Pizza Hut

Originally posted September 10, 2020 When I was a kid, I had a birthday party with a bunch of my friends, where the first half of it was at Pizza Hut and the second half was at a local arcade called Pinball City, which was in the same shopping center. I remember Mortal Kombat was just released, so this dates it to my 8th birthday in 1993. 

Vivid Memories #12

Originally posted February 23, 2017 It’s been a while since I wrote one of these. I guess my memory might be fading as I get older.

A bag of bugles, a bolt, a washer, and a check for $1370

Originally posted April 21, 2012 This is a Magic card story. A lot of the card-specific details have been left out to make it more accessible. (If you’re a Magic player, you’re probably smart enough to fill in those details on your own anyway, but feel free to ask me anything you’re curious about.)

Vivid Memories #11

Originally posted September 11, 2011 When I started college at UMBC in Fall 2002, I had signed up to live in the dorms, but I hated it so I ended up commuting to school. The problem was, if you lived in the dorms you couldn't have a regular parking pass, only a provisional one to park in the satellite parking lot. There was no way I was parking in that lot, because it's a bit off-campus and you need to take a shuttle to campus once you park. I live life on the edge and often arrive within 5 minutes (either before or after) of the start time of whatever it is I'm going to, so having to include a 30 minute shuttle lot detour every day was out of the question.

An in-depth Pro Tour: Paris report, part 2

Originally posted February 17, 2011 Friday Draft 2

An in-depth Pro Tour: Paris report, part 1

  Originally posted February 17, 2011 If you don't play Magic, I advise you to skip this note.

Vivid Memories #10

Originally posted November 9, 2010 It was the year 2000, and I was in the 10th grade, on a class retreat along with everyone else in my 10th grade class. I went to a private, Catholic high school, and we had a fair amount of retreats. If you've never been on one, it's basically a field trip to a secluded location where you have carefully supervised (read: boring) fun, eat free food, and listen to a few religious-themed talks that are supposed to help you grow as a person and as a Catholic. I can't remember the exact theme of this particular retreat, but it had something to do with relationships. I guess as 10th graders, we were getting to be around that age.