2010 Birthday Statistics
Originally posted January 22, 2010
I decided to compile some statistics about the birthday wishes I got this year.
Out of my 184 Facebook friends, between wall posts, text messages, and telephone calls, I received 33 unique birthday wishes (17.93%), 24 from guys (out of 149, or 16.10%) and 9 from girls (out of 35, or 25.71%).
In 2009, I only got 21 birthday wishes, so this year I saw a 57% increase in birthday wishes. However, I also only had 94 Facebook friends on January 21, 2009, so my overall birthday wish percentage is down around 4% from 22.34%. I had 13 repeat wishers from 2009, 8 drop-offs, and 20 new wishers.
If these trends continue at roughly the same rate*, in 2011 I can expect to have around 224 friends, and somewhere between 38 and 52 birthday wishes.
I also tracked the time that each wish occurred and created a histogram:
The most popular times for a birthday wish were between 12AM and 3AM, and between 9AM and 12PM.
Girls are more likely to say 'happy birthday' than guys.
People on my friends list seem to look at Facebook during two peak periods: 12AM-3AM (right before bed), or 9AM-12PM (after waking up).
Thank you for thinking of me on my birthday!
*I'm assuming that my friends list grows at a constant, linear rate, and that 20 +/- 3 % of that list will wish me happy birthday. More annual data might suggest a different model.
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